While I enjoyed the second episode of Lego Masters, I still had some issues with it. Read on to see what they are!
What is Lego Masters?
Lego Masters is your typical reality TV show with a twist. Instead of cooking up creative food dishes, contestants build amazing creations with Lego bricks! Lego Masters pits 10 teams of 2 against each other in what appear to be weekly themed challenges.
The Second Build – Space Smash
This week’s competition theme was “Space Smash”. It was a pretty straight forward space theme build with a twist. Not only did the teams have to build an impressive model that told a story, but it had to smash beautifully. That’s right. Everything that was built was smashed to pieces! Normally destroying Lego should be an imprison-able offense, but I must say, the visuals were glorious! Teams had 11 hours for this challenge.
Each team would have their creation destroyed by one of three methods:
- Spaceball bat
- Explosives
- Gravity drop
I’d love to know what they used as explosives, and how the charges were placed…
My Thoughts
I liked Jamie a lot more this episode. He wasn’t as “mean”. Amy again was super supportive and nice. While Will turned it down from 11 to 8, some of his schtick still got old pretty quick, but that could be the writers fault. There were too many We’re-going-to-have-a-surprise-oh-wait-no-we’re-not-Surprise-we-really-are moments.
I enjoyed the builds for the most part, but they seemed fairly basic overall. I get that there are probably piece selection limitations and time certainly plays a factor, but these are supposed to be the best of the best. I want more refined builds!
And it was awesome to see Amy Farrah Fowler! (Mayim Bialik)
The Builds – Spoilers Ahead
The builds for the most part were really nice. They built some pretty massive things in short order. I think there was far less planning this week, and I think it showed.
Team: The Bearded Builders
Thoughts: I still say these guys will be contenders. They had a truly unique idea. Their “space” build depicted a space battle in a video game in a TV in a living room in a house! It was all seen through the eyes of two kids sitting on a couch playing the game. It all exploded beautifully!
Team: East Coast Bricksters
Mel & Jermaine
Thoughts: They built a giant purple planet eating blob named Legor. It was cool, but not memorable. I can’t remember how it was smashed…
Team: The Unicorns
Thoughts: Still loving this team. They haven’t gotten much screen time yet, so I’m hoping that means they’ll be around for a while. They just seem so nice and nerdy cool. They built a really cool volcanic planet that was destroyed via gravity drop.
Team: Father & Son BFFS
Thoughts: Much more pulled together this time! And they had a much better build. It was a cool moon that was home to a tentacled monster. I don’t remember how it was smashed, but it had a cool construction that allowed the monsters intestines to still on the floor. I don’t think they will last much longer.
Team: Brothers Who Brick
Thoughts: They had an interesting concept. They built a planet with a section removed so you could see the leaking core and people trying to stop the leak before the planet exploded. The people did not succeed. I don’t remember how it exploded though.
Team: The Eccentrics
Thoughts: Ugh. What do I say about these guys. I want to say he is utterly unlikable on the show so far, and she deserves much better, but that would be mean. They had a decent cats vs. dogs model, and it did smash nicely, but all they did is fight. If they stay around much longer I’ll be shocked, and I’ll really believe they only stay on for dramatic purposes.
Team: Married Thespians
Thoughts: A run of the mill volcano build. It was ok. I really don’t remember much about them last night. Oh yeah. It was their turn to get emotional. I wonder if this trend will continue?
Team: The Newlyweds
Tyler & Amy
Thoughts: Totally different team this week. They got right to it and created a very impressive creation. It was a massive tentacled beast with articulated tentacles. It was sturdy and visually impressive. Best of all, it smashed just as they hoped it would via Gravity Drop. They rightfully won this weeks challenge.
Team: The Higher the Hair the Closer to God
Jessie & Kara
Thoughts: They gone! While I feel bad for Jessie, I’m glad this team was eliminated. It was never clear what their idea was and their build looked like a bunch of leftovers and it disintegrated while they moved it into place. Their “model” didn’t look much worse after getting the bat beat down. I’m glad I don’t have to see any more of those weird faces she made all the time.
Team: Clark Kent & Superman
Thoughts: Great team. Great Lego artists. Their build was stunning. It was totally unique. Had beautiful mini builds throughout. Featured mind blowing geometry. It just didn’t disintegrate like the other models did. It was built a little too strong, even though they were both impressed with its destruction via explosives.
Final Thoughts
As I hoped, I enjoyed the second episode more than the first, even if I didn’t like the builds as much. They were a little too… whimsical for me, but that is the beauty of Lego. And be anything and everything! I am hoping we’ll see more technical builds, and models with more polish. What we’ve seen has been good so far, but I see much better in our Lego club builds.
Also, I’m not thrilled with how the AFOL demographic is coming across. I hope that when a few certain teams get eliminated, this will change. Time will tell!
Come on Lego and Fox! This is the time for our hobby to shine!
As a Lego fan, are you liking Lego Masters?
I am an Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL) and an active member of the Michigan LEGO User Group (MichLUG). I have loved LEGO for as long as I can remember. I am currently working on the following models:
– UCS Millenium Falcon
– Emmett’s Apartment Building
– Gringott’s Bank
The post Lego Masters Review – Episode 2 (S1 E2) appeared first on All About The Bricks.